White Paper
Surviving a Software Audit
Critical steps to take and issues to resolve when the “gotcha letter” arrives
There are three things that enterprise leaders can be certain of today: taxes and an unwanted software audit in the near future.
Unwanted, of course, but a software audit should no longer be unexpected. The number of software vendor audits has been increasing in the last 10 years now as a means of ensuring full compliance with licensing terms, and, of course, full payment for current software usage. Software is a revenue-generating activity for many (though not all) software companies. It is also a means to protect their intellectual property, and vendors guard their rights fiercely – it is the life’s blood of their business.
Why were you targeted for an audit?
Read “Surviving a Software Audit” to learn the approach to responding to a software audit. Detailed step by step action steps to take and how to create an audit response plan.