Supporting Our

The world can be a troubled and troubling place, and sometimes that reality can hit close to home. To help those in trouble, as well to provide significant positive improvements and impacts to our neighbors, our communities and our environment, as a company, and as individuals, we are committed to making the world a better place for all of us. This important work begins in our own backyard and reaches out from there to wherever people are in distress or a helping hand is required.

communities we serve

At Nahteava, giving of our time and energy to make a positive impact for our community, environment, and well-being of others is highly valued and encouraged. Our leaders and employees are actively involved in community programs and charitable organizations that support women, children, and veterans by serving as volunteers, mentors, and board members. Nahteava also contributes annually to numerous global, national, and local charitable organizations.

Our Areas of Focus

We work with various nonprofits and other organizations that support and protect women
and children, support veterans, and innovative education. Through pro bono consulting, board membership, donations and
volunteering, we work to strengthen their impact and help them grow.


We work with innovative education nonprofits and school systems to create better opportunities for students.

Women and Children

We are dedicated to supporting charities close to our hearts that serve and protect women and children and empower them to seize control of their lives and destinies.


We are committed to supporting our veterans to positively impact and promote veteran transition in our communities.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to providing a workplace where everyone feels they have a voice, a sense of belonging and support, and where everyone has the potential to succeed.


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